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Get Extreme Comfort with Bi-Weekly Sphere Contact Lenses Online
  • Extreme H2O 54% 14.2 6 Pack

  • $39.49
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The Extreme H20 14.2 contact lenses are soft, disposable contact lenses designed for daily or extended wear. Here is some general information about the Extreme H20 14.2 lenses: 1. Diameter: The "14.2" in the name refers to the diameter of the lens, which is 14.2 millimeters. The diameter represents the size of the lens and its ability to cover the cornea of the eye. 2. Material: The exact material composition of the Extreme H20 14.2 lenses is not specified in the information available to me. Contact lenses are typically made from a variety of soft and breathable materials that allow oxygen to reach the cornea, providing comfort and maintaining the health of the eyes. Different lens materials may have varying water content and other features that impact comfort and durability. 3. Water Content: The water content of the Extreme H20 14.2 lenses is not specified in the information available to me. However, contact lenses generally have a water content ranging from 30% to 80%, which helps to keep the lenses hydrated and comfortable on the eyes. 4. Replacement Schedule: The Extreme H20 14.2 lenses are disposable lenses, meaning they are intended for a specific duration of use before being replaced. The replacement schedule for these lenses can vary depending on the specific lens type and your eye care professionals recommendation. It is important to follow the recommended replacement schedule to maintain optimal eye health and vision correction. As the information provided is limited, it is advisable to consult with an eye care professional or optometrist for more detailed and specific information about the Extreme H20 14.2 lenses. They can provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date product details and help determine if these lenses are suitable for your individual vision correction needs.

Manufacturer: X-Cel Specialty

Water Content: 54%

Material: 46% hioxifilcon D

Disposability: Monthly

UV Blockage: No

Can be worn overnight? No

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