Earn iAyez Coins with Every Purchase!
For every $1 you spend on purchases, you earn a fantastic 10 iAyez coins. The more you spend, the more coins you collect!
Social Media Bonanza!
Earn 10 iAyez coins for every post by sharing or following us on social media.
Refer & Multiply Your iAyez Coins!
Earn iAyez coins with every dollar spent and watch your rewards multiply as you refer friends.
Here's how it works:
Mr. A earns 10 coins for every dollar spent and an additional 5 coins for every dollar spent by friend B, whom he referred.
Friend B, on the other hand, not only receives 10 points for every dollar spent but also earns coins when his referred friend, C, makes a purchase.
Friend C enjoys 10 coins for every dollar spent, while B receives 5 coins, and A gets 3 coins.
The chain continues with friend D, where D earns 10 coins for every dollar spent, C gets 5 coins, B receives 3 coins, and A is rewarded with 1 coin.
This cascading reward system ensures that everyone in the referral chain benefits. Join the iAyez club membership to maximize your earnings and unlock fantastic rewards!