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Optase Hylo Relief: The Best Solution for Dry Eyes Relief
  • Optase Hylo Relief 10ml

  • $22.95

Product Summary

OPTASE® HYLO® Relief Dry Eye Drops is a cutting-edge innovation option for contact lens wearers, and pre/post-surgery patients, as recommended by experts.

The ingredients in the product help to stabilize and strengthen the eye’s tear film, which can help reduce evaporation of tears and improve hydration and lubrication of the surface of the eye.

Function of OPTASE® HYLO® Relief Dry Eye Drops

OPTASE® HYLO® Relief contains Glycerin and long lasting Hyaluronic Acid to hydrate, protect and relieve dry eyes. The long lasting Hyaluronic Acid locks in hydration by binding more water and entangling with the layers in the tear film. The HYLO® delivery system guarantees 300 preservative free calibrated drops with 6 months stability which means good value for patients every time.

Benefits of using Optase Hylo Relief Dry Eye Drops

One of the reasons, people maybe apprehensive and fearful to undergo cataract surgery and on wearing contact lenses, is due to the threat of dry eye syndrome which can be caused.
Optase Hylo relief eye drops can eliminate these fears as this advanced formulation provides the required comfort and protection from dry eyes. This should give the patients the necessary confidence post-surgery and on-going in for contact lenses.

Harry Brown
This product is good.
Demo Review.
John Doe
Another Demo Review
The ingredients in the product help to stabilize and strengthen the eye’s tear film, which can

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